Thursday, October 18, 2007

Full Term!!!!!! Uneventful appointment...

Yippie!! Hooray!!! WooHoo!! Yeehaw!!!

That should be enough interjections (is that right MIL? I had to Google for 20 minutes to figure out if that was the right part of speech!! haha) to let everyone know how excited we are to say I made it to full term! Technically, Raegan is fully baked and is just "keeping warm" now until her arrival. So, that means that from today on, I can start jumping up and down to shake this girl out!! hahaha So, I won't really be doing that, but it's a nice thought, right?

I had my 37 week appointment today. First off, let me start by saying..."I graduated". Now, as nice as this might be for some people, it was kind of sad for me. Weird? Well, that means that the nurse had to slide the large weight marker on the scale to the next level! Yes, that's right folks...I've hit 150! That was right after lunch though, so it doesn't really count, right? :) It's all good though. The only weight I'm carrying is this little girl and the mess that comes with it. And, its all right up front, so I'm sure it will melt away quickly. That puts my total weight gain to 34 pounds!! Yikes! I'm not supposed to pass 35 technically so maybe I better put the Little Debbies away?!?!? ........................ Nah..... :)

My blood pressure was perfect as normal and this week, Raegan's little heart was beating at a steady 145 bpm. I lost the bet terribly this time as I guessed 137! Fundal height is still behind as usual - 34 cm instead of 37. But, that is up a cm from last week, so I'm still growing right...just behind. I asked the doc if she thought I would have trouble giving birth vaginally...she doesn't "think" so, but one can never tell until your "knee deep" anyway. Talked about the contractions and how intense they are getting these days...but still irregular. My exam results:

Still 1 cm dialated...but a slight change there
Still about 80% effaced so no change there
Baby dropped from a -3 to a -2 station....she's LOW and ready to go!

Doc says that the contractions are not changing my cervix right now but they are pushing her down further and furth. Hence the pain and the extreme pressure "down there"! Totally normal she says and the ever-encouraging "you can do're almost done" phrase.

We also talked about induction and going past my due date. Basically, for my situation, if I don't go into labor naturally by 41 weeks, they'll induce. So, I could potentially have another MONTH to go! Yikes! I pray not! I'm ready NOW!!!! I guess it doesn't matter when the mom is ready though....

I'll post some 37 week belly photos in a bit although things are looking pretty much the same here. Maybe we can come up with some creative shots this weekend...?!?!? One never knows!

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