Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 6

Here's the update of the week:

Weight - 114.6

Waist - 29"

General Feeling - This is week two into the pregnancy in my mind, week 6 for little "Nugget"! (Yes, I've affectionately nicknamed our little bundle Nugget. I really don't know exactly where that came from but I guess in such an early stage, the baby kind of looks like a McDonald's Chicken Nugget?!?! Grant loves 'em and I eat them pretty regularly too. You'll know this little one belongs to the family when it comes out saying "nugget"!) So, anyway, we're in the early stages of finding out about this pregnancy and boy has it been a roller coaster so far. Now, don't take that sentence wrong - we're absolutely thrilled and excited about the impending birth but with hormones raging and new housed to close and move in to, it's been a hectic week!!

First, let me jump off-topic for just a minute and let you know that we finally closed on our new house this week. If you're not privy to the story...we were supposed to close on the house on March 8th. Our mortgage company calls the DAY BEFORE closing to tell us that "something" has changed with the underwriting system in the last two weeks and "We're sorry, but your interest rate has gone up a percentage and a half, AND your payment is going to increase because of that." Whoa! Wait a minute! I don't think so! So we fight, yell, threaten, and in the end, receive a better interest rate, a lower payment than we expected, and a lesser down-payment because of a calculation error on their part. So it's good news all in all and we're in the middle of the moving process now. As a matter of fact, Papa Dave and Uncle Ronnie are on their way south to help with the "heavy lifting", which I've come to find out means even a paper towel roll to me..... Kind of a bummer when you feel like you're not helping at all, but it's safer so we're all managing.

So, back into the hectic you can see, the house has taken up a major part of our time recently. With the emotions of a new baby on the way and the stress of the house, I was a bit of a basket-case at times this week. Poor family! I try and stay under control but it just doesn't always happen?!?! Hormones! BLECH! The happiness is overwhelming though! The pure thought of what is happening inside of me is....indescribable!

Haven't really noted too many changes again this week. A bit of an increase in appetite, which is a good thing. I think I need to bring my base weight up a pinch for health and carrying purposes...but I'll confirm with the Doctor before really doing too much of that. The bathroom concept is a little annoying at time though! I'm used to going twice a day...when I wake up and sometime before bed! Now, it's every few hours...where's the potty!?!?! LOL

Other than that, things are pretty much normal for now. Our first Doctor's appointment is scheduled for April 10th at 10:30. This will be our 8 week initial visit where we'll most likely do blood tests and an exam...just the general for this one. Maybe we'll get a chance to hear the baby's heart beat!?!?!? :D Which, by the way, has just started this week!!! There's a little tiny heartbeat inside of me going at 130 bps!! WOW!

Here's the photo of the week - again, not me, not yet....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no updates for a long time make readers sad, judy!!! how did the move go? and your dr appt on april 10? us readers want to know the details :)