Monday, March 5, 2007

the BIG news...

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
It is with my extreme excitement and pleasure to be able to begin creating this blog...the purpose being to track our family addition and share any news with our friends and family!

Yes, you've guessed it! We decided to add to the world's population! A crazy thing to do in this day and age?!?! Well, the world's not getting any better and I'm not going to wait around for a Mary Poppins existence, so we went with our gut feelings.

December of '06 is when the conversation of coming off of the birth control really started to become serious. It was always in our plans...we both wanted to grow the family. It was a matter of deciding when was the right time for all three of us. Well, December was when it was truly apparent that with Grant being almost 3 1/2 years old and the perfect age for a younger sibling, along with the fact that we were about to embark of the building of our new mansion, the timing seemed perfect. With God's will and His hand in the matter, we decided to let nature take it's course.

I had a doctor's appointment with my new gynocologist at the beginning of January and let her know the plans we had. She recommended that I start taking vitamins (Flinstones at that!) and begin exercising and watching my health.

...of course, being the GIRL that I am, I just had to have a general knowledge of when my "prime time" of the month was, so to speak. So, I casually looked up my cycle information and found that mid-January was the "right time" to conceive. So, with nature taking it's course and me with a pinch of knowledge we proceeded without pills.

Disappointment struck with first month around, but honestly, how could I expect so much so soon?!?! Checking the calendar again showed me a PERFECT time to try again - Valentine's Day! ;) Funny how things work out....

Let's fast forward to my birthday...only a mere two days ago. Saturday evening, Scott and I went out together while Grant hung out with Laurel for the night. We made a trip to the mall for a radical hair cut on my part! From my back to my chin!!! It was a lot taken off and boy did I make the poor stylist nervous! No worries though! It looks great! I think Scott thinks he's with a new woman! hahaha Then, off to the appliance store for our first major appliance purchase for the new house - a 25.4 cubic feet side-by-side black refridgerator! How aweomse is that?? Times have changed when I get excited about appliances "for my birthday". Then, off to the Melting Pot for a wonderful dinner and dessert...gotta love that place!

Magically, the Melting Pot has a 24 hour Walgreen's right next door and I joked and said "Think we should go get a test?" I was kidding because I didn't believe anything to be different. I thought for sure my period would start in the next day or so. But my ever-adventureous husband decided to make a late-night purchase of 3 tests in one box...and digital too! No confusing those results. By the time we got home, we were both too full and tired to do much of anything so we went to bed. The directions say to do a morning potty pee if you can anyway so I wasn't concerened.

Sunday morning rolls around and I grogily get up to make Grant some "break-tast" - waffles with butter and syrup as usual. I grab the package and fondle it for a while deciding if its even worth it to try. Why not just wait a day for the period to start....but heck, we have three so I guess using one for the negative result isn't too bad....

Off to the bathroom...phew! Feels good to go! hehehe The stick starts flashing and Scott is the the bedroom going "get out here, I want to watch it!" lol ok, ok! So I'm sneaky and turn the thing upside down so neither of us can see it and lay it on the bed. He looks down and stares for a second then realizes its upside down...turns it over and instantly gets this...umm...STARE on his face....then looks up at me with an expression that I don't think I can describe or that I will forget....probably a lot of emotions jumbled into one at that point. My turn to look........


The read-out is pretty clear! I'm pregnant! Can this be a fluke?? Did I do something wrong? Me, pregnant? It really happened??? The celebration ensues! We tell Grant and this little boy is bouncing off of the walls excited! As a matter of fact, he's routnig for TWO of them! hehe

So, our little peanut is in the very beginning of "it's" growing stages. According to calculations I'm just a pinch over 4 weeks...only 36 to go!!! hehehe We'll be taking measurements, photos, calculations, polls, and any other imaginable thing and posting it here for everyone to keep up with. Check back soon!


The FOUR Bartletts!

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