Sunday, June 10, 2007

Take a Poll.....Can you Guess?

Well, I'm very far behind on the online portion of the baby site, but the good news is I've been keeping up with my hand-written version. Maybe one day I'll catch this one up, but the reality of it is, probably not. Just know that everything is going perfectly! I'm not getting a big belly yet, but the bubbly has popped! So at least I know that "it's" going well and everything is growing inside.

We're going to have our MAJOR ultrasound on June 22...only 12 days away!!! I can't wait to find out whether we're going to start celebrating in pink or blue! It's SOOOO time to start naming this baby and preparing for its arrival. As long as it cooperates next Friday! I might have to get annoyed if not.....

So, on to the purpose of this particular post....we want YOU to guess! Scott and I are "battling" as to who's right - we both have chosen a different gender and constantly nag each other about who has chosen the right gender. I've included a "belly photo" to help you guess. Although, like I said, there isn't much to see...just a little pop! Give us your guess and keep your eye out on the 22nd to see if you were right!

Take A Guess!
Is it a Boy or a Girl

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