Monday, June 25, 2007

A Drum Roll Please.......

Well, ladies and gentleman....

I'm a few days behind because after the excitement of our doctor's appointment and ultrasound, we decided to make an unplanned ride to Myrtle Beach with friends for an evening out and a chance to hold that beautiful Mady! She's a doll and an absolute perfect angel. Already treating Mommy and Daddy right with only 2 feedings during the night! What a good girl. Grant held her for a long long time - we'll have to put photos up as soon as we can snag them off of the camera.

So, enough with the excuses - you're looking for the answer! WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?!?!

A Baby of course!!! :p

Ok, so I won't postpone any longer.......introducing for the first time by way of internet....please help us welcome and begin to prepare for our new baby..............

Maybe I should start posting in pink now???? :) :) :) In case you wanted to know, Scott was right on the money! Thats only proof that Mom's don't necessarily know best - or what they're talking about at all! lol I was dead-set it was going to be a boy....surprise me!
The ultrasound was wonderful. Rick and Tena came up for the event and enjoyed watching their Granddaughter flip-flop all around inside. We had the best technician (who I'm so sorry to hear is leaving my OB soon) and the details were phenominal. We have plenty of photos to post as soon as we get a chance to scan them. There is both the conventional 2-D and live 4-D images as well so a lot of detail to take in! As I said, we'll get them up as soon as we can....and start updating the nursery along with photos for everyone to see what's up! Painting is already on the agenda! :)
Week 20 belly photos on the way

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